Enhancing Efficiency: Revitalizing the ESP System at PLTU Barru

March 2024 – April 2024, PT Anugerah Energi Pratama successfully revitalized the ESP system at PLTU Barru, located in Barru, South Sulawesi. Throughout the revitalization process, a comprehensive overhaul was conducted, encompassing the replacement of several critical components. These included the replacement of the Hopper Wall and Hopper Heater, the Tapping Anvil Assembly, the Bearing Sleeve, and the Collecting Electrode Rapping System. Additionally, the Migi rapping system was replaced, and a new Migi Rapping module was installed. Furthermore, upgrades were made to enhance monitoring capabilities, such as the installation of a GVC Controller and a View Display. These enhancements enable real-time monitoring from the DCS control room, significantly improving the effectiveness of the GVC Controller monitoring. Overall, the revitalization efforts have resulted in a state-of-the-art ESP system at PLTU Barru, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

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